Sunday, April 18, 2010

Build up or tear down?

"The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands." Proverbs 14:1. I was listening to a sermon today on the topic of the proverbial wife. I was rather humbled by some of the topics covered, but this one verse tugged at the heart strings. I know that the past month I have been bitter an resistant to adjustment here in South Korea. I was not as joyfilled as I should have been, that I was able to serve God in a new and exciting country.So many things to experience... I just couldn't see past my self pity.
I have been in prayer lately over this lack of Joy. I have been asking the Lord to fill me with His Joy through the Holy Spirit who endwells me. I have seen results, and so has Taylor! It was not until I saw the joy in Taylors reaction to this change, that I recognized the pain I had been causing to him prior. I was tearing him down through my behavior and mood. He was not able to lean on me for comfort as I was always turning to him with a downhearted attitude. I was foolishly tearing down our house.
I want to be a wife who exhorts my husband. Who helps my husband. Who brings him glory. Who loves him and does him good and not evil all the days of my life. I want to be the wife God has intend for him... a prudent, gently, quiet, kind, and submissive wife. It may not always be easy, but I can find strength in the Lord. I must. I want a marriage that lasts, a home with a firm foundation, and a loving nature that honors God. Please pray for me as I continue to conform to the image of God, as I strive to imitate Christ in my daily life, and as I demonstrate His Love in my relationship with Taylor. thank you.
Sermon that stirred...

1 comment:

Lindsey Lett said...