Sunday, May 1, 2011
Colossians 3:1-17
True Renewal through Obedience and Grace
Colossians 3:1-17 (I pulled from the NAS version)
A quick look at what we will tackle in this passage:
V. 1-4: Paul begins this chapter by reaffirming our position with God/Christ as believers, something we can all be encouraged by… even in the midst of stagnancy within our walk.
V. 5-11: Paul talks of who we once were as sinners under Satan’s persuasion (old self) and who we have become in Christ (new self). Paul also addresses the fact that we are constantly growing and being renewed to become more like Christ.
V. 12-17 Paul then gives applications of our faith, commandments/choices we can make to obey our Father and Savior in order to Glorify God for His grace and mercy. This obedience we are called to, leads to renewal and growth, as well as a positive representation of the Living God we serve.
Now let us get a little deeper into this text.
In Chapter 1 of the letter to the Colossians, Paul exhorts them and shows gratitude for the Faith they have received through belief in the True Gospel. Paul also then relays his desire to see growth within this community of Believers. Chapter 3 pertains mostly to the stipulations or characteristics of our Calling, which if they align with God’s desires, can lead to a renewal and growth in our faith.
I believe we could all agree that God desires to see growth in all of His children. Through God’s grace and mercy, we have been “raised up with Christ.” (v. 1) Paul is essentially calling us to take notice of God’s grace towards us in our Salvation; to become in experience, what we have already been risen to with Christ. We are to live lives that are “hidden with Christ in God.”(v.3) We should not be trying to push through to the forefront for attention; we should be veiling our lives in the blood of Christ. We should be obedient to our calling, and in return God will sanctify us to look more and more like Christ. That is our ultimate goal after all, to become more like Christ… to allow Him to shine through our thoughts, actions and attitudes so that He may receive the glory and we shall in turn receive the rewards in heaven. “Christ, who is our life” (v.4), the giver of life, both mortal and eternal is worthy of our obedience.
Paul then talks of our old self, our mortal body and heart that lust after earthly things. Paul asks us to think of that old self as dead; “consider the members of your earthly body as dead.” (v.5) Paul then lists various sins we indulged in and warns that “the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience” (v.6), and that “in them you also once walked” (v.7), but are now able to, through salvation, “put them all aside.” (v.8) That is, we have “laid aside the old self with its evil practices.”(v.9) We are dead to our old self; our old body, our old habits, our old lusts/desires, our old thoughts, and most importantly… our old master, Satan. Paul is not saying that through your faith in Christ and the new life you received that you will stop sinning and that you won’t fall back into some of those habits or be tempted often… but he is saying that you need to put them aside. This involves a conscious effort as well as constant sanctification, renewal, forgiveness and grace from our Heavenly Father. You are to “set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth.” (v.2)
Through the death of our old self, comes eternal life in our new self. This new self which we “have put on” (v.10), is constantly “being renewed to a true knowledge.”(v.10) Accompanying this new self, we have a new set of rules, new desires, new habits, new thoughts, and most importantly… a new Master, Father and Savior. We were “chosen of God, holy and beloved” (v.12), and adopted into His family. We were given a new set of rules and freedoms. We stand forgiven and loved, awaiting a Hope promised to us upon our entry into the Family. We are no longer used for spite, selfish fulfillment or revenge… but for GLORY! We have a choice to serve God and righteousness. We are still sinners and need to make an effort to serve and obey, rather than slip into our old ways. As sinners, we need renewal and encouragement in our walk. This is where v12-17 come in.
Paul, through God, calls us to:
v.1 “keep seeking the things above”
v.2 “set your mind on things above…”
v.5 “consider the members of your earthly body as dead”
v.8 “put them all aside”
v.9 “do not lie”
v.12 “put on a heart of…”
v.13 “bearing with one another, and forgiving each other…”
v.14 “put on love”
v.15 “Let(allow) the peace of Christ rule in your hearts”
“be thankful”
v.16 “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you…”
“teaching and admonishing one another…”
v.17 “do all in the name of the Lord Jesus”
“giving thanks…”
The above are just a few ways to actively serve and obey the true Living God. We should constantly be striving to align our actions with Christ’s, and it is through this striving and obedience, we will be constantly sanctified and “renewed.” (v.10,11) Each time we practice these commands to love, be thankful, absorb God’s word, spend time in true fellowship, worship, praise and be in prayer with God; we are renewed. It is a renewal that we ourselves cannot obtain through our own doing, but through the grace of God.
Let us take a moment to look at what God says about renewal.
We see this concept in various texts throughout the scriptures.
Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Notice the use of the term renew: That we should be renewing our minds (through constant reading of God’s word). We can only renew our minds… not our hearts, faith, or spiritual strength/growth.
2 Corinthians 4:16 “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.”
This verse shows that renewal is not a one-time deal. Renewal is constant, day by day and comes from an external source. We know this because it is our natural inclination to get discouraged or “lose heart” and God is the one who will renew and lift us up.
Ephesians 4:23 “ and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind”
Again we see the concept of being renewed from an external source.
Colossians 3:10 “and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge…”
This verse combines the concept of external and continual renewal.
Colossians 3:11 “a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew… but Christ is all, and in all.”
I love how this verse shows that not only is God unbiased as to who receives salvation and renewal, but also the source is revealed clearly… Christ.
Only God has the ability to take our old self, that immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed(v.5), anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive speech(v.8) and every other form of sin/disobedience and transform our hearts to display compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience(v.12), forbearance, forgiveness(v.13), love, thankfulness(v.15), wisdom(v.16) and obedience(v.17).
God can renew us from ignorance to “true knowledge.”(v.10) The catch… He gives us a choice in the matter. We can choose to obey or ignore. We can choose to allow God to sanctify, or allow Satan to create space and separation between us and God. We can choose to represent well, a God who sent His son to be publicly humiliated, beaten, and killed in order that we might know the joy and freedom of eternal life through our Savior with a Holy, Loving, and Just God… or we can misrepresent our Savior and His sacrifice as we allow Satan, who selfishly desires to be god and denied the grace offered to him in the beginning, to lead us as believers and also unbelievers away from God.
How often do you feel run down by the end of the day? Or even by the end of the morning? How often are we turning to God for renewal rather than earthly “comforts” such as a hot cup of tea, down time with music/ipods, distractions with movies or TV or other forms of temporary pleasures?
Let us turn to God. Let us trust and obey what God has called us to do through our salvation. Let us represent Christ well. Let us be renewed.
Remember, you are not the only one who struggles with sin. I myself struggle daily with anger, wrath and selfishness. I find myself neglecting Corin throughout the week as I seek “community and adult time.” I leave him to entertain himself and fend for his own sense of community, one that allows me to waste my time with e-mails and facebook conversations or comments. The problem only escalates from selfish neglect to anger when Corin lashes out for my attention through disobedience. I get frustrated and punish him for trying to spend time with me. At times, that punishment and discipline is enforced with anger or wrath in my heart and voice. I am then convicted through his reaction or facial expression and we have a moment of prayer together as Corin witnesses me turn to Christ in my weaknesses. I usually then make an effort to present myself as a living example of the Christ I so desire Corin to love and seek after for his own Salvation. Hidden in Christ… that is the key. I constantly have to reset my focus and turn to God for help and renewal.
So as we look back at the scripture we covered, let’s remember what Paul, through God, has presented to us.
1. First, bear in mind that we have been raised up and hidden in Christ. Our faith has enabled us, through God’s help, to lay aside our old self and the lives that were consumed with sin as we looked to the world for answers. We have, through faith, laid aside our old self and now we must put aside our evil practices as well.
2. Second, be encouraged in knowing that your faith in Christ means you have a new self that is constantly being renewed by God himself and all His mercy and grace. That only God can renew you, but you can receive that much needed refreshment through obedience.
3. Lastly, Be ACTIVE. Be active in your walk through obedience to the Lord. Paul gives us several examples as to how we can actively serve God and in turn receive that much needed and desired renewal. We want to be hidden in Christ, not fighting for the spotlight. So, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”
Let’s read Romans 6:18-23.
18and having been (A)freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.
19(B)I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh For just (C)as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.
20For (D)when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.
21Therefore what (E)benefit were you then deriving from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the outcome of those things is (F)death.
22But now having been (G)freed from sin and (H)enslaved to God, you derive your (I)benefit, resulting in sanctification, and (J)the outcome, eternal life.
23For the wages of (K)sin is death, but the free gift of God is (L)eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Questions to think about:
1. What “evil practices” or sins do you struggle with on a regular basis or as of late?
2. Who or what do you turn to when you are in need of comfort or renewal? Do you turn to worldly things to help you forget? Or do you turn to your Heavenly Father for forgiveness and to renew your spirit?
3. What area of your faith could you be more active in pursuit of obedience to God? Is it your reading, prayer life, fellowship or behavior/attitude?
4. Lastly, do you feel as though you are truly hidden in Christ, or are you hiding Christ behind you? Who comes first/shines through?
Please take time to pray for others in your group and for God to renew your hearts that he may receive all the Glory.
Give Thanks!
Colossians 3:1-17 (I pulled from the NAS version)
A quick look at what we will tackle in this passage:
V. 1-4: Paul begins this chapter by reaffirming our position with God/Christ as believers, something we can all be encouraged by… even in the midst of stagnancy within our walk.
V. 5-11: Paul talks of who we once were as sinners under Satan’s persuasion (old self) and who we have become in Christ (new self). Paul also addresses the fact that we are constantly growing and being renewed to become more like Christ.
V. 12-17 Paul then gives applications of our faith, commandments/choices we can make to obey our Father and Savior in order to Glorify God for His grace and mercy. This obedience we are called to, leads to renewal and growth, as well as a positive representation of the Living God we serve.
Now let us get a little deeper into this text.
In Chapter 1 of the letter to the Colossians, Paul exhorts them and shows gratitude for the Faith they have received through belief in the True Gospel. Paul also then relays his desire to see growth within this community of Believers. Chapter 3 pertains mostly to the stipulations or characteristics of our Calling, which if they align with God’s desires, can lead to a renewal and growth in our faith.
I believe we could all agree that God desires to see growth in all of His children. Through God’s grace and mercy, we have been “raised up with Christ.” (v. 1) Paul is essentially calling us to take notice of God’s grace towards us in our Salvation; to become in experience, what we have already been risen to with Christ. We are to live lives that are “hidden with Christ in God.”(v.3) We should not be trying to push through to the forefront for attention; we should be veiling our lives in the blood of Christ. We should be obedient to our calling, and in return God will sanctify us to look more and more like Christ. That is our ultimate goal after all, to become more like Christ… to allow Him to shine through our thoughts, actions and attitudes so that He may receive the glory and we shall in turn receive the rewards in heaven. “Christ, who is our life” (v.4), the giver of life, both mortal and eternal is worthy of our obedience.
Paul then talks of our old self, our mortal body and heart that lust after earthly things. Paul asks us to think of that old self as dead; “consider the members of your earthly body as dead.” (v.5) Paul then lists various sins we indulged in and warns that “the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience” (v.6), and that “in them you also once walked” (v.7), but are now able to, through salvation, “put them all aside.” (v.8) That is, we have “laid aside the old self with its evil practices.”(v.9) We are dead to our old self; our old body, our old habits, our old lusts/desires, our old thoughts, and most importantly… our old master, Satan. Paul is not saying that through your faith in Christ and the new life you received that you will stop sinning and that you won’t fall back into some of those habits or be tempted often… but he is saying that you need to put them aside. This involves a conscious effort as well as constant sanctification, renewal, forgiveness and grace from our Heavenly Father. You are to “set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth.” (v.2)
Through the death of our old self, comes eternal life in our new self. This new self which we “have put on” (v.10), is constantly “being renewed to a true knowledge.”(v.10) Accompanying this new self, we have a new set of rules, new desires, new habits, new thoughts, and most importantly… a new Master, Father and Savior. We were “chosen of God, holy and beloved” (v.12), and adopted into His family. We were given a new set of rules and freedoms. We stand forgiven and loved, awaiting a Hope promised to us upon our entry into the Family. We are no longer used for spite, selfish fulfillment or revenge… but for GLORY! We have a choice to serve God and righteousness. We are still sinners and need to make an effort to serve and obey, rather than slip into our old ways. As sinners, we need renewal and encouragement in our walk. This is where v12-17 come in.
Paul, through God, calls us to:
v.1 “keep seeking the things above”
v.2 “set your mind on things above…”
v.5 “consider the members of your earthly body as dead”
v.8 “put them all aside”
v.9 “do not lie”
v.12 “put on a heart of…”
v.13 “bearing with one another, and forgiving each other…”
v.14 “put on love”
v.15 “Let(allow) the peace of Christ rule in your hearts”
“be thankful”
v.16 “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you…”
“teaching and admonishing one another…”
v.17 “do all in the name of the Lord Jesus”
“giving thanks…”
The above are just a few ways to actively serve and obey the true Living God. We should constantly be striving to align our actions with Christ’s, and it is through this striving and obedience, we will be constantly sanctified and “renewed.” (v.10,11) Each time we practice these commands to love, be thankful, absorb God’s word, spend time in true fellowship, worship, praise and be in prayer with God; we are renewed. It is a renewal that we ourselves cannot obtain through our own doing, but through the grace of God.
Let us take a moment to look at what God says about renewal.
We see this concept in various texts throughout the scriptures.
Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Notice the use of the term renew: That we should be renewing our minds (through constant reading of God’s word). We can only renew our minds… not our hearts, faith, or spiritual strength/growth.
2 Corinthians 4:16 “Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.”
This verse shows that renewal is not a one-time deal. Renewal is constant, day by day and comes from an external source. We know this because it is our natural inclination to get discouraged or “lose heart” and God is the one who will renew and lift us up.
Ephesians 4:23 “ and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind”
Again we see the concept of being renewed from an external source.
Colossians 3:10 “and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge…”
This verse combines the concept of external and continual renewal.
Colossians 3:11 “a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew… but Christ is all, and in all.”
I love how this verse shows that not only is God unbiased as to who receives salvation and renewal, but also the source is revealed clearly… Christ.
Only God has the ability to take our old self, that immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, greed(v.5), anger, wrath, malice, slander, abusive speech(v.8) and every other form of sin/disobedience and transform our hearts to display compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience(v.12), forbearance, forgiveness(v.13), love, thankfulness(v.15), wisdom(v.16) and obedience(v.17).
God can renew us from ignorance to “true knowledge.”(v.10) The catch… He gives us a choice in the matter. We can choose to obey or ignore. We can choose to allow God to sanctify, or allow Satan to create space and separation between us and God. We can choose to represent well, a God who sent His son to be publicly humiliated, beaten, and killed in order that we might know the joy and freedom of eternal life through our Savior with a Holy, Loving, and Just God… or we can misrepresent our Savior and His sacrifice as we allow Satan, who selfishly desires to be god and denied the grace offered to him in the beginning, to lead us as believers and also unbelievers away from God.
How often do you feel run down by the end of the day? Or even by the end of the morning? How often are we turning to God for renewal rather than earthly “comforts” such as a hot cup of tea, down time with music/ipods, distractions with movies or TV or other forms of temporary pleasures?
Let us turn to God. Let us trust and obey what God has called us to do through our salvation. Let us represent Christ well. Let us be renewed.
Remember, you are not the only one who struggles with sin. I myself struggle daily with anger, wrath and selfishness. I find myself neglecting Corin throughout the week as I seek “community and adult time.” I leave him to entertain himself and fend for his own sense of community, one that allows me to waste my time with e-mails and facebook conversations or comments. The problem only escalates from selfish neglect to anger when Corin lashes out for my attention through disobedience. I get frustrated and punish him for trying to spend time with me. At times, that punishment and discipline is enforced with anger or wrath in my heart and voice. I am then convicted through his reaction or facial expression and we have a moment of prayer together as Corin witnesses me turn to Christ in my weaknesses. I usually then make an effort to present myself as a living example of the Christ I so desire Corin to love and seek after for his own Salvation. Hidden in Christ… that is the key. I constantly have to reset my focus and turn to God for help and renewal.
So as we look back at the scripture we covered, let’s remember what Paul, through God, has presented to us.
1. First, bear in mind that we have been raised up and hidden in Christ. Our faith has enabled us, through God’s help, to lay aside our old self and the lives that were consumed with sin as we looked to the world for answers. We have, through faith, laid aside our old self and now we must put aside our evil practices as well.
2. Second, be encouraged in knowing that your faith in Christ means you have a new self that is constantly being renewed by God himself and all His mercy and grace. That only God can renew you, but you can receive that much needed refreshment through obedience.
3. Lastly, Be ACTIVE. Be active in your walk through obedience to the Lord. Paul gives us several examples as to how we can actively serve God and in turn receive that much needed and desired renewal. We want to be hidden in Christ, not fighting for the spotlight. So, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”
Let’s read Romans 6:18-23.
18and having been (A)freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.
19(B)I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh For just (C)as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.
20For (D)when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.
21Therefore what (E)benefit were you then deriving from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the outcome of those things is (F)death.
22But now having been (G)freed from sin and (H)enslaved to God, you derive your (I)benefit, resulting in sanctification, and (J)the outcome, eternal life.
23For the wages of (K)sin is death, but the free gift of God is (L)eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Questions to think about:
1. What “evil practices” or sins do you struggle with on a regular basis or as of late?
2. Who or what do you turn to when you are in need of comfort or renewal? Do you turn to worldly things to help you forget? Or do you turn to your Heavenly Father for forgiveness and to renew your spirit?
3. What area of your faith could you be more active in pursuit of obedience to God? Is it your reading, prayer life, fellowship or behavior/attitude?
4. Lastly, do you feel as though you are truly hidden in Christ, or are you hiding Christ behind you? Who comes first/shines through?
Please take time to pray for others in your group and for God to renew your hearts that he may receive all the Glory.
Give Thanks!
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